Saturday, March 10, 2012

John Carter

     John Carter is based on the novel written by Edgar Rice Burrough and actually started way back in 1912, so the release of the movie marks the 100th year celebration since it first started.  The movie is about the character named John Carter (Taylor Kitsch), a former officer in the cavalry who became wealthy and suddenly died.  The mysterious part of it is that every wealth he had, he left it to his young nephew Ned (Daryl Sabara).

     The attorney after reading the last will and testament of John Carter gave him the personal diary of John, in hopes of Ned being able to unlock the mysterious life and death of John Carter.  As he read on, John Carter's life is told... and the secrets unravel as to why he wanted to be buried in a mausoleum  that can only be opened from the inside.  The story starts from the time when John Carter was no longer a cavalry officer, but a lone man hunting for his quest of a cave of gold.  One event follows another as he then finds the secret cave, but to his surprise he encounters an alien and is transported to a different world.  Alone, he discovers that he was no longer in earth and tries hard to adapt.  It was really fun to see him being ordered to jump ^_^

     Days go by and he is starting to understand slowly the conflict that the planet he is in is currently facing.  Tossed between wars of species, John Carter tries his best to survive and eventually unravel the things he would need to do to be able to go home...

     While watching the movie, I can't help but imagine that it was like a mix of movies I had encountered.  Narnia and Avatar where some of the things circling in my head.  It was a very "entertaining" movie, I still believe that it is best to watch first and enjoy the movie you are watching, rather than analyzing on the spot the errors you see.  That maybe the reason why it earned a lot on it's opening week.  So in the end, I would highly recommend this to anybody who would like to sit back and enjoy a movie with your family and friends.  Very entertaining and has rich graphics that you would surely enjoy.  A 4/5 stars is vote on this.

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